Treatment of varicose veins without surgery

In the initial stages of the disease varikoznoi able to without the surgery, other methods of treatment. This allows the patient to significantly improve the condition, not the progression of the disease. Treatment varikoza without surgery, used surgery, for any reason, is contraindicated.

varicose veins

If you can do without surgery?

Is it possible to get rid of varicose veins without surgery? Yes, in that case, if there are indications that this treatment would be effective.

Treatment of varicose veins without surgery is indicated in such cases:

  • the initial stage of the disease;
  • absolute contraindications to surgical treatment (blood diseases, diabetes, etc.);
  • pregnancy;
  • complications of varicose veins, in which it is impossible to carry out the operation.

The main methods of treatment without surgery

How to manage the varit to without operation? The different, the appropriate treatment is prescribed on the basis of serious condition, comorbidities, duration of disease, susceptibility of the organism, etc.

The main methods of treatment of varicose veins without surgery include kompressionnuyu therapy, leech therapy, the medication mikroflebektomiyu, fitoterapiyu. New treatments for varicose veins are laser photocoagulation, sclerotherapy. Although the cost of modern methods is high enough, the result of the procedures is very good.

kompressionnaya therapy

Compression stockings are used as an independent, as a supplement cure for varicose veins treatment. For these purposes, special stockings, socks, or stockings of different compression or elastic bandage.

compression stockings

Compression stockings varies according to the degree of "compression" of 4 classes:

  • used as prevention during the initial stage of the disease;
  • the more severe symptoms of varicose veins;
  • use the presence of nodes, as well as the explicit iv in the "field";
  • used for severe varicose veins.


The essence of the method consists in introducing the concerned ships with a special solution, which "glues" the vein, which destroys the inner lining of the vessel concerned.

skleroterapiyu is often used in conjunction with other bezoperacionnymi methods of treatment varikoza. An efficient method of large files in the ships, and the development of thrombophlebitis.

Treatment with leeches

Leech therapy is a fairly effective method when varikozno expanded veins. This method prevents further progression of the disease, improve the blood flow in the vessels and reduces the swelling.

The procedure only special medicinal leeches. I enter the bloodstream a lot of useful substances: enzymes, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial ingredients, anesthetics.

Pills the varikoza

The drug is in the form of tablets for treatment varikoza alone or in combination with other methods (local, compression stockings). Often applied to several main groups of drugs: flebotoniki, corticosteroids, Nsaids, derivatives of aspirin, the means to prevent the formation of blood clots.

Regular consumption of pills helps to increase the tone of blood vessels, accelerate the blood circulation, limfoottoka, reduces swelling and inflammation.

The laser treatment varikoza

The laser treatment has many advantages, which is confirmed by assessment of patients. When the laser impact on the affected blood vessels in the skin, no stitches or incisions, no pain, discomfort during the procedure do not require a long recovery time, there is no need for the hospital stay after the procedure.

laser treatment

The laser treatment is thermal effect in the blood cells, so the Vienna "zapaivaetsya", it closes. During the procedure, the doctor inserts the laser vessel is led, which coagulates the damaged areas of the ship.

Preventive measures

As the preventive maintenance varikoza, and then record the results after the treatment, to listen to these tips:

  • fight the excess weight;
  • don't forget the moderate physical activity to keep the blood in the legs;
  • normalize your daily routine, leave enough time to relax, sleep;
  • to spend self-massage-the feet;
  • follow the diet or follow the rules of the proper nutrition;
  • ditch unhealthy habits;
  • wear comfortable clothing, shoes, avoid high heels;
  • I don't visit the baths, saunas, if you tend to varikozy.

Adherence to these simple principles will help to preserve the health of the blood vessels.